ECHOage Birthday Heroes Are
Changing The World

Read their stories and you will be inspired by their generosity and love. You’re never too small to make a big difference.

Meet Our ECHOage Birthday Hero


Jasper Supported

Right To Play Canada

Why I chose to support Right To Play Canada

I picked Right To Play Canada because I love hockey, basketball and baseball. I got a new baseball glove for my birthday. My mama and daddy told me that some kids will never get a new baseball glove or a basketball and don’t have enough money to play sports. I want kids to play sports.

Jasper's Gifts

With your help, Jasper will be donating to 'Right to Play Canada' and selecting a special Lego set.

Why I chose my gifts

I love LEGO!! I build it all the time with my family and I went to LEGO Land on March Break!