ECHOage Spotlight
She's All That
About Melissa
YogiStoned is a yoga inspired apparel brand that gives back yoga to those in need, with every purchase.
Yoga is for everyone and YogiStoned hopes to inspire more yoga, and more love in the world. The meaning behind the name YogiStoned is really pretty simple, and scientific. Just a few deep and slow breaths can calm your mind and body. A 15 minute yoga practice can boost your mood and bring you into a more focused state of mind. It can also relax you and help you sleep better. There are many ways to practice yoga and all kinds of benefits to practicing. Yoga helps each on of us to reconnect to that more balanced, peaceful and loving part of our self.
I have been teaching yoga for about 10 years and practicing for over 15 years. I’m also a writer and have been in advertising for over 30 years. Yoga was a way for me to free myself from the daily stresses of work and life, but it also helped relieve anxiety that I have struggled on and off with for nearly my whole life. Prior to a regular yoga practice, I experienced a series of panic attacks, and other challenging side effects from anxiety. Yoga and meditation became a way for me to work through some of the root causes of my anxieties. My passion for yoga and creative writing in a way, "united" and became YogiStoned, a way back to a more balanced, peaceful and loving self.
I hope yoga helps do the same for you.
See you on the mat!
Why we love Melissa
We could fill this page with all of the reasons that we love Melissa but instead we will name just a few that percolate to the top: her undeniable creative talent, her ability to radiate joy, her dance moves, and her dedication to humanity. Melissa's vision for how kids can impact the world was instrumental to the creation of the ECHOage platform. She has a knack for making the big ideas relatable and the small ideas larger than life. She is light and love and has poured her passions into YogiStoned an embodiment of yoga, giving back and looking and feeling fabulous in shavasana. We proudly place this powerful woman in our Spotlight.

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CEO & Creative Director
Kim Smiley Inc. & Empathy Empire

Alana Kayfetz
Mom Halo

Melissa Weber
Founder, Creative Director

Samantha Yaffe
Co-Founder, Chief Curator
Upcycling It

Ivanka Siolkowsky
The Tidy Moose

Lisa Sonshine
Founder of Sonshine and Broccoli Entertainment Ltd
Sonshine and Broccoli

Julie Cole
Co-Founder and Senior Director
Mabel's Labels Inc.
Zelia Mouana

Onome Ako
Action Against Hunger Canada / ACF Canada

Tovah Barocas
Earth Rangers

RonniLyn Pustil
Founder and Curator
Gluten Free Garage

Lianne Kim
Founder & CEO
Mamas & Co.

Nadiia Lagutina
Educator, Recruitment Specialist

Sandra Hawken
President & CEO
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation

Jennifer Raphael
CEO, North America
Innovative Beauty Group

Adina Lubek
Principal - The Leo Baeck Day School
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Carolyn Drebin
Kitchen Co-Op

Marlie Cohen
Founder & Coach
Kale and Krunches Inc.

Melanie Rousseau
Founder and CEO
Money Mama TO

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Liz Feld

Aleksandra Malkin
Influencer/Leader/Business Owner

Nora Constas
President & CEO
Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre

Gillian Kuriyan
Mommy Connections Midtown Toronto

Anika Apollon
Birthday Wonders

Valerie McMurtry
President and CEO
Children's Aid Foundation of Canada

Jill Farber
Executive Director
Autism Speaks Canada

Simone Robinson
Community Giving Officer
Community Food Centres Canada

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