ECHOage Birthday Heroes Are
Changing The World

Read their stories and you will be inspired by their generosity and love. You’re never too small to make a big difference.

Meet Our ECHOage Birthday Hero


Lily Supported

Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre

Why I chose to support Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre

I want to help children who are abused because children should not be abused.

Lily's Gifts

Lily enjoys helping others. When she realized that some children are abused she instantly wanted to help and decided to chose a charity that could offer abused children support. Lily was happy to highlight this cause and donated 70% towards Boost Child Advocacy Centre. “Since it was my first double digits my friends also contributed towards my Nintendo Switch.” Lily chose a Nintendo switch so that she can play with her friends and family in a fun and interactive way.

Why I chose my gifts

I want all children to have fun. Lily