ECHOage Birthday Heroes Are
Changing The World

Read their stories and you will be inspired by their generosity and love. You’re never too small to make a big difference.

Meet Our ECHOage Birthday Hero

Finn Atticus Mackie

Finn Atticus Mackie Supported

Right To Play Canada

Why I chose to support Right To Play Canada

It's a company we support here in Toronto. We were introduced to it through my husband's business and think it's a really worthy cause.

Finn Atticus Mackie's Gifts

Please consider contributing to Right To Play and a group gift of a remote control BB8 or Chipper.

Why I chose my gifts

We have done ECHOage for all of our kids' birthdays and really believe in giving back while getting! And we also love asking the kids for a big gift that everyone can contribute to. It works out to be a more meaningful gift instead of lots of little bits and pieces that just get lost around the house.