ECHOage Spotlight
Onome's Favourite Quote
“Ubuntu says when I have a small piece of bread, it is for my benefit that I share it with you. Because, after all, none of us came into the world on our own.” ― Dalai Lama XIV, The Book of Joy
She's All That
About Onome
Onome Ako is CEO of Action Against Hunger Canada, and has deep experience in international development, having led initiatives in more than a dozen countries. She has been instrumental in advancing the Gender Transformative Framework for Nutrition, a coalition of humanitarian and research partners that is identifying new approaches to nutrition programming to ensure gender equality becomes central to multi-sectoral responses to nutrition. Ako serves as chair of the Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health, is the recipient of the Voice of the Children Award for her advocacy around critical health needs, including quality nutrition, and was selected as one of Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100 in 2021.
Why we love Onome
Spotlight is about shining a light on women who lead us, teach us, and motivate us to action. ECHOage loves Onome for her commitment to a cause that is so vital to all our lives, ending world hunger. Her ideas, passion and total commitment to solutions for ending the suffering of children and families has made us wake up and listen, follow and take action. We look to her for the information we need on how to help, and how to put our concern into action. We look to her to inspire us to live with integrity and truth. We're spotlighting Onome and AAH today, but we'll continue to spread her message and her vision for years to come.

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CEO & Creative Director
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Alana Kayfetz
Mom Halo

Melissa Weber
Founder, Creative Director

Samantha Yaffe
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Upcycling It

Ivanka Siolkowsky
The Tidy Moose

Lisa Sonshine
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Sonshine and Broccoli

Julie Cole
Co-Founder and Senior Director
Mabel's Labels Inc.
Zelia Mouana

Onome Ako
Action Against Hunger Canada / ACF Canada

Tovah Barocas
Earth Rangers

RonniLyn Pustil
Founder and Curator
Gluten Free Garage

Lianne Kim
Founder & CEO
Mamas & Co.

Nadiia Lagutina
Educator, Recruitment Specialist

Sandra Hawken
President & CEO
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation

Jennifer Raphael
CEO, North America
Innovative Beauty Group

Adina Lubek
Principal - The Leo Baeck Day School
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Carolyn Drebin
Kitchen Co-Op

Marlie Cohen
Founder & Coach
Kale and Krunches Inc.

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Van Der Hout Jewelry Corp

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Aleksandra Malkin
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Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre

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Anika Apollon
Birthday Wonders

Valerie McMurtry
President and CEO
Children's Aid Foundation of Canada

Jill Farber
Executive Director
Autism Speaks Canada

Simone Robinson
Community Giving Officer
Community Food Centres Canada

Onome's Favourite Quote
“Ubuntu says when I have a small piece of bread, it is for my benefit that I share it with you. Because, after all, none of us came into the world on our own.” ― Dalai Lama XIV, The Book of Joy
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