ECHOage Spotlight
Message from Samantha
About Samantha
Journalist turned one-woman marketing agency, Samantha Yaffe found herself at the height of career happiness when she and a dear friend accidentally launched Upcycling It in 2016. It was one of a hundred unrealized ideas the two would talk about, but when they made and posted their first set of handcrafted coasters made with the cover of a vintage magazine, the orders came pouring in. Samantha put her marketing, communications and creative expertise to work in year one, landing the duo a coveted spot at the One of a Kind Show. They made nearly 2,000 unique pieces for their big debut, each one made with an authentic vintage image. Upcycling It quickly became Samantha's priority, which it remains today. She still runs her marketing agency - writing, editing, branding and developing content - which she will never let go (lucky for ECHOage). Samantha feels personally connected to every piece Upcycling It makes, which makes every sale exciting. In her words: "Working with such a great friend and imagining new ideas around music and pop culture is like a dream I never actually had, come true."
Why we love Samantha
Samantha is loveable for many reasons, but ECHOage loves her because she's creative, witty, generous, smart, full of bright ideas and dark humour. ECHOage and Samantha have a long relationship. She crafted and wrote much of the original copy on ECHOage that moms enjoy and appreciate today. She helped us make ECHOage the easy-to-use seamless experience it is. But, we don't love her for that primarily, we love her because she is a Founder who took risks, believed in herself, committed fully to a new idea, a new vision, and won. We love, and are drawn to, women who have believed in themselves. Women who took a creative idea and ran with it. Samantha is these things. Yes, seeing her succeed excites us. But seeing her and her close friend thrive in a business together, laugh together, create together, we feel admiration for Samantha as she sets this example for us, for others, it's love.

Kim Smiley
CEO & Creative Director
Kim Smiley Inc. & Empathy Empire

Alana Kayfetz
Mom Halo

Melissa Weber
Founder, Creative Director

Samantha Yaffe
Co-Founder, Chief Curator
Upcycling It

Ivanka Siolkowsky
The Tidy Moose

Lisa Sonshine
Founder of Sonshine and Broccoli Entertainment Ltd
Sonshine and Broccoli

Julie Cole
Co-Founder and Senior Director
Mabel's Labels Inc.
Zelia Mouana

Onome Ako
Action Against Hunger Canada / ACF Canada

Tovah Barocas
Earth Rangers

RonniLyn Pustil
Founder and Curator
Gluten Free Garage

Lianne Kim
Founder & CEO
Mamas & Co.

Nadiia Lagutina
Educator, Recruitment Specialist

Sandra Hawken
President & CEO
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation

Jennifer Raphael
CEO, North America
Innovative Beauty Group

Adina Lubek
Principal - The Leo Baeck Day School
The Leo Baeck Day School

Carolyn Drebin
Kitchen Co-Op

Marlie Cohen
Founder & Coach
Kale and Krunches Inc.

Melanie Rousseau
Founder and CEO
Money Mama TO

Karen Van Der Hout
Van Der Hout Jewelry Corp

Britteney Ofodile
Britteney the Coach

Liz Feld

Aleksandra Malkin
Influencer/Leader/Business Owner

Nora Constas
President & CEO
Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre

Gillian Kuriyan
Mommy Connections Midtown Toronto

Anika Apollon
Birthday Wonders

Valerie McMurtry
President and CEO
Children's Aid Foundation of Canada

Jill Farber
Executive Director
Autism Speaks Canada

Simone Robinson
Community Giving Officer
Community Food Centres Canada

Samantha's Favourite Quote
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” Socrates
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